cucinare con l’alluminio

da tempo ce l’avevo in mente, ho trovato una ricetta e son riuscito a reperire la materia prima: ho quindi cucinato il mio primo purè di sedano-rapa!
E mentre sfornellavo (giudizio personale riguardo alle proporzioni indicate nella ricetta: sbilancerei il rapporto sedanorapa/patate verso il sedanorapa per conferire maggior mordente alla purea) con la mia batteria di pentole d’alluminio m’è venuto in mente che più volte avevano provato a terrorizzarmi sull’uso di pentolame in alluminio . . .
Ecco quindi l’occasione per fare il punto su quanto c’è di dimostrato, scientificamente.

Gramiccioni L et al
Aluminium levels in Italian diets and in selected foods from aluminium utensils.
Food Addit Contam. 1996 Oct;13(7):767-74.
The daily intake of aluminium even if all the foods were prepared and stored in aluminium containers would be approximately 6 mg/day, a very low value compared with the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake of 7 mg/kg body weight (equivalent to 60 mg/day for an adult man) established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.

Pennington JA.
Aluminium content of foods and diets.
Food Addit Contam. 1988 Apr-Jun;5(2):161-232.
The major sources of dietary aluminium include several with aluminium additives (grain products, processed cheese and salt) and several that are naturally high in aluminium (tea, herbs and spices).
The aluminium that may migrate from aluminium utensils is probably not a major or consistent source of this element.
Daily intakes of aluminium, as reported prior to 1980, were 18-36 mg per day.
More recent data, which are probably more accurate, indicate intakes of 9 mg per day for teenage and adult females and 12-14 mg per day for teenage and adult males.,crawled_content&exclude-collections=journals_palgrave,lab_animal&sp-a=sp1001702d&sp-sfvl-field=subject|ujournal&sp-x-1=ujournal&sp-p-1=phrase&submit=go

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